Dear respected members of Pakistan Psychiatric Society,

Dear respected members of Pakistan Psychiatric Society,

Your Election Commission is closely monitoring the ongoing PPS Election process 2024 to ensure that the elections are fair, transparent and inclusive for all registered members as per the Constitution of Pakistan Psychiatric Society.
We are happy to see a vigorous and energetic debate on the issues pertaining to our members as well as our profession. The campaigning by all candidates for various positions in the next PPS Cabinet is also heartening and should dispel any notions of bias or favoritism.
Regarding the process of conducting the election, we hope that all candidates are closely monitoring feedback from PPS members and that the new incoming Cabinet will debate and discuss all suggestions and ideas for change for the next election cycle in 2026.
We would like to enlighten all of you regarding a recent letter that has been circulated by some of our members who are also candidates in the upcoming elections. The letter questions the integrity of the elections and raises questions about the honesty and integrity of the Election Commission itself as well that of its members. All honorable PPS members should note the following regarding the election process:
• The current system of electronic balloting was put in place 2 years ago after objections were raised about the previous system .
The last PPS election was successfully completed on this system with no objections from any quarters regarding the fairness or integrity of the elections.
• The electronic balloting system is secure, password protected and not accessible to anyone without a personal log-in ID and password (this includes members of the Election Commission as well as serving members of the PPS cabinet).
• We would also like to point out that the election is being held online on a secure server and not in a physical location where the results could be tampered with.
• We, the members of your PPS Election Commission, have been working day and night for the last one month to update and approve final voting lists, liaise with the IT team to ensure that all registered voters of PPS are able to exercise their democratic right of voting and have their voice heard in the election. The energetic election campaigns being conducted by all candidates are proof of the success of the election process.
• It is unfortunate that some candidates have chosen, at the last minute, to cast doubt on the integrity of the election process to sabotage the democratic right of PPS members to choose their representatives for the next two years.
We can even appoint 3rd party observer to see and observe the fairness and transparency of the election commission.
• We request all honorable PPS members, including those who differ with the conduct of the elections to participate and make their voice heard. After the successful conclusion of the elections, the incoming PPS Cabinet will, no doubt, make every effort to further reform the election process for the next election cycle in 2026.
• Under no circumstances can your Election Commission support depriving PPS members of their democratic right to vote and elect their representatives for the next two years.

Healthy debate, discussion and even disagreement is a sign of a healthy (psychiatric) society!

We wish all candidates the best of luck!

Election Commission and members for Election 2024:

1- Chair Prof M Sultan – Election Commissioner +92 300 5935693
2- Prof Ali M Hashmi – Member Punjab
0334 4444121
3- Dr Shoaib Kashani – Member Balochistan
+92 333 3763633
4- Prof Javed Akhthar – Member KPK
0300 5769610
5- Prof Sohail Ahmed – Member Sindh
+92 300 2549058

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